6 Collections

Collections, 100 points
assignment 5

A Collection of ‘Somethings.’  Whenever you’re out, carry your camera, and be on the lookout for whatever “something” you choose. It could be feet, garbage cans, vegetables that look like faces, bicycles – you name it! Get creative, and pick a theme that you don’t usually see in pictures.

Start tomorrow with a collection of food. Look at a pile of popcorn… or maybe whoppers. Arrange them into combinations that show a repetition of shape, size or color…

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  1. Shoot at least 10 photographs
  2. Try playing with light and colors….
  3. Select at least 10 of the best images from your shoot to upload to your Picasa folder
  4. Select the one image you feel is the strongest and explain why in a sentence on your caption.