Rule-of-thirds, Composition, 100
assignment 2

When composing images consider unique framing, cropping and the Rule of Thirds. Try to avoid centering objects in the middle, although there are times when you may decide a centered and symmetrically balanced is preferred.

  1. Select 10 of the best images from your shoot to upload to your Google pictures. Be sure to make your folder viewable by those in the NORTH THURSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS so I can see it!
  2. In Google Groups, please click <reply> to the assignment and cut and paste the URL (web address) so the class can comment.
  3. Finally, select the image you feel is the strongest and explain why in a sentence in your caption description.
  4. Select a subject, an object, or landscape and take at least 10 different photographs of it, making sure to vary your compositions, so that not all the images are alike.
  5. In your Google pictures add a caption with your <First Initial> <Last Name>, name of photo, and assignment # or series  (e.g. KReece, Waiting, ROT2)  Be sure it is a new photograph taken for this class. NEVER use a photo you have taken before class started or a photo you have taken off the Internet.


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